Fathers Are Wonderful People
Fathers are wonderful people Too little understood, And we do not sing their praises As
often as we should...
For, somehow, Father seems to be The man who pays the bills, While Mother binds
up little hurts And nurses all our ills...
And Father struggles daily To live up to "his image" As protector and provider And
"hero of the scrimmage"...
And perhaps that is the reason We sometimes get the notion, That Fathers are not
subject To the thing we call emotion,
But if you look inside Dad's heart, Where no one else can see You'll find he's
sentimental And as "soft" as he can be...
But he's so busy every day In the grueling race of life, He leaves the sentimental
stuff To his partner and his wife...
But Fathers are just wonderful In a million different ways, And they merit loving
compliments And accolades of praise,
For the only reason Dad aspires To fortune and success Is to make the family proud
of him And to bring them happiness...
And like Our Heavenly Father, He's a guardian and a guide, Someone that we can
count on To be always on our side.
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~
...In My Eyes...
He's rough and lacks in etiquette, Society would say. He has no classy attributes, To
help him on his way.
He's not a fancy dresser, And he's not so trimmed and neat. With simple clothes
and simple shoes, He wears upon his feet.
He doesn't belong to a club, Or drive a shiny car. And when he takes vacations, He
does not go very far.
He doesn't dine on fine cuisine, To him fast food's a treat. And he may use a
plastic fork, When it is time to eat.
He has a modest little house, But has all that he needs. He keeps his lawn cut
nice and short, He even trims his weeds.
He works long hours at his job, To make an average pay. And even if he's sick
or tired, He goes to work each day.
His job is just a factory job, His pay just makes ends meet. But, a few good friends
and family, Make his life complete.
He's not well versed in poetry, Theater or the arts. And wisdom is not something, That
he constantly imparts.
He loves the simple things in life, For riches doesn't thirst. He knows what is
important, And his family is put first.
The wealth that God has given him, To treasure in his life. A loving son and daughter, And
a very special wife.
He never has much money, And his life is not a show. But he is still the richest
man, That I will ever know.
To others he's a simple man, And fame he's never had. But he's the greatest man
I know, He also is my Dad.
What Is A Dad?
A Dad is a person who is loving and kind, And often he knows what you have
on your mind.
He's someone who listens, suggests, and defends ~ A dad can be one of your
very best friends!
He's proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong, A dad can be patient
and helpful and strong.
In all that you do, a dad's love plays a part ~ There's always a place for him
deep in your heart.
And each year that passes, you're even more glad, More grateful and proud just
to call him your dad!
Thank you, Dad ... for listening and caring, for giving and sharing, but,
especially, for just being you!
Happy Father's Day
Grandfathers are a special breed Of kinfolk, all their own. They love you and
hug you, And spoil you to death. And then, they send you home.
© by Joyce C. Lock
Grandfathers Are Fathers Who Are Grand
Grandfathers are fathers who are grand, Restoring the sense that our most precious
things Are those that do not change much over time. No love of childhood is more sublime, Demanding little, giving
on demand, Far more inclined than most to grant the wings Allowing us to reach enchanted lands. Though grandfathers
must serve as second fathers, Helping out with young and restless hearts, Each has all the patience wisdom brings, Remembering
our passions more than others, Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.