Grandmothers Are Mothers
Grandmothers Are Mothers Who Are Grand
Grandmothers are mothers who are grand, Restoring the sense that our most precious
things Are those that do not change much over time. No love of childhood is more sublime, Demanding little, giving
on demand, More inclined than most to grant the wings On which we fly off to enchanted lands. Though grandmothers
must serve as second mothers, Helping out with young and restless hearts, Each has all the patience wisdom brings, Remembering
our passions more than others, Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.
Grandma's Hugs
Grandma's Hugs are Made of Love
Everything my grandma does is something special made with love. She take time to
add the extra touch that says, "I love you very much."
She fixes hurts with a kiss and smile and tell good stories grandma-style. It's
warm and cozy on her lap for secret telling or a nap.
And when I say my prayer at night, I ask God to bless and hold her tight. Cause
when it comes to giving hugs my grandma's arms are filled with love!
And Grandma's too... While we honor all our mothers with words of love and praise. While we tell about their goodness and their
kind and loving ways. We should also think of Grandma, she's a mother too, you see.... For she mothered my dear mother as
my mother mothers me.
This One Is For Grandmothers! Grandmothers are mothers who are grand, Restoring
the sense that our most precious things Are those that do not change much over time. No love of childhood is more sublime, Demanding
little, giving on demand, More inclined than most to grant the wings On which we fly off to enchanted lands. Though
grandmothers must serve as second mothers, Helping out with young and restless hearts Each has all the patience wisdom
brings, Remembering our passions more than others, Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.
Love to you Grandma Love to you Grandma on Mother's Day, May lots of happiness
come your way. I love you Grandma with all my heart, I loved you from the very start. At Grandma's house I love to
stay, She always lets me have my way. I sit and listen about her youth, I bet dear Grandma, you were real cute. So
- today, have lots of fun, From the very start, till the day is done.