My Mothers Best Advice

And Your Occupation is? Mother
A Mother's Love
Before I was a Mom
Dadisms General
Dadisms On Life
Father and Grandpa Funnies
Father and Grandpa Poems
Father's Day Humor
Father's Day Trivia
From Grandma to My Grandchild
Grandma Poems
Grandma's Hands
I am a Mom
I am Thankful...
Kids-Gotta Laugh
Mixed Dadisms
Mother and Grandma Funnies 1
Mother and Grandma Funnies 2
Mothers Day Fun Facts
Mothers Day Poems 1
Mother's Day Poems 2
Mothers Day Trivia: Believe It or Not Records
Mother's Dictionary
Mother's Day Recipes: Brunch
Mother's Day Recipes: Desserts
Mother's Day Recipes: Entrees
My Mothers Best Advice
Principles of Motherhood
On Fathers Day
On Mothers Day
Quotes on Mothers
The Little Things & How I "Fixed" Them
The Meanest Mother In The World
Things I've Learned from my Children
Things my Mother Taught Me
To All The Mothers...
What Famous Mothers Might Have Said
When God Created Fathers
Why I Love Mom
You know who I am
You Know You're a Mom When ...
You Know You're a Mom When...Part 2


Before you do anything life-changing, call me!
Halle Berry, actress. Mother: Judy Berry

The source of my mother's love and strength is evident in the advice she gives me every time I leave. A kiss on the cheek, a hug and a reminder to keep God first. I, in turn, share the same advice with my 6-year-old daughter.
Eric Benet, singer. Mother: Joyce Jordan

The best advice my mother ever gave to me was: 'Strivers achieve what dreamers believe. If you put your mind to it, you can do it. Be careful what you wish for because you might get it. And, listen to me, I've been through it already.'
Usher, singer. Mother: Jonnetta Patton

To put God first in everything that I do and to don't worry about boys until I finish my education. She told me not to worry because she is always by my side.
Charlkesha, 11, Bahamas

When I was young, my mother always used to quote to me First Corinthians 15:33 which, paraphrased, says bad associations spoil youthful habits. As I came to understand, what my mom was telling me was to be careful who you let into your life. That one piece of advice has saved me countless heartaches, and I've never forgotten it to this day.
Gerald Levert, singer: Mother: Martha L. Levert

Never go with a stranger even if they tell the best lie, like for example "Your mom told me to pick you up." My mom gave me a secret code to ask people. If they know it, I can go with them because my mom gave them the secret code and they're not lying!
Nina, 12, California

My mom once told me to always believe in yourself. Even if your chances are slim, or everyone else doesn't believe in that, people will look up to you because you're sticking to what you believe in, and they will admire that in you. That was the best advise I ever got from my mom.
Lorin, 12, Pennsylvania

Be happy. For we have only one life and that too is very short.
Jyoti, Surat

The best advice my mother ever gave me is "Don't let other people make the choices for you and don't let no one push you around."
Gabriela, 11, Canada

My mom is always telling me to be independent and follow my dreams and I will live a good, happy life.
Chris, 12, Alabama

When I was young and dating men, my mom always told me to watch how my boyfriends treated their mothers. She said they would treat me the same way. I found this to be so true. I have a husband who thought the world of his mom and shows that same love to me. It's the best advice my mom ever gave me.
Mary Bentrup

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